I recently taught a photography workshop here in Colorado Springs. Normally, we expect sunny weather in June, but this time we got the strange anomaly of gloomy, overcast and rainy conditions. While these circumstances were less than ideal for the sweeping vistas we expect from Colorado, they were absolutely perfect for shooting in North Cheyenne Canyon, where the streams were flowing and the wild roses were blooming. Our class participants came away with some wonderful images of waterfalls, flowers and foliage in wet conditions not frequently encountered at this time of the year. In fact, we almost felt like we'd been transported to the Pacific Northwest for a day!

Helen Hunt Falls

Jason gives on-line classes, has a Podcast--The Image Doctors -- and is always glad to help people take better pictures. If you'd like to learn more about landscape and outdoor photography, check out Jason's website at www.luminescentphoto.com And he'd love it if you'd share this with anyone who's interested in photography. One of his pictures would definitely brighten up a wall!
And don't forget my contest. Plenty of time to enter. Deadline is July 7th.
Beautiful...I was out yesterday taking butterfly pictures in my garden. The beauty of nature around us always awes me.
These photos are gorgeous and breath taking. Thanks so much for sharing. They're awesome.
Thoughts in Progress
Debra, yes there's something compelling about nature.
Mason - happy to share.
Wow, that waterfall picture is stunning. You can see so much detail in the water. Thanks for sharing.
The photos are incredible. I wish I had that photographer's eye and knew my camera a little better. Guess I need to work harder.
Terry, stop by my blog when you get a chance. I have an award for you.
great pictures - no greater muse than mother nature.
These photographs are SO beautiful.
So glad I found you through Patricia Stoltey, one of my dearest blogging friends. I love mysteries, too. I don't read straight romance, but mystery with romance . . . well, yes! I'm now a follower, and will look up your books.
What a great talent. I love the tree especially.
I love waterfalls and all pictures taken through the fog. In Rio de Janeiro I took a picture of The Christ of the Andes on a day so foggy I could not see the statue from its base. I thought why not try just to see what happens. It actually turned out with the whole statue visible. That was in the days of film. I don't know if digital would have given the same results.
Every one of these photos is awesome.
Pat - thanks for the award. We handed Jason a camera when he was very young, but I think his eye for composition is inborn.
Karla, that's why I love my new digs--lots of nature to enjoy. Right now I'm watching hummingbirds.
Ann - I'm glad you found me, too! Hope you'll come back. You can check out samples of my work via my website.
Carol - agreed!
Ray - I'll ask Jason. Right now he and his dad are having 'guys day out' and are seeing the A-Team.
Jason has a beautiful eye. I love photos of water and these are gorgeous!
@Ray- you'd probably get the same result with digital; maybe even better.
Wow _ I love those misty rock photos - really beautiful.
Those are lovely photos. I'm not the greatest with a camera. I guess that's why I never bothered with getting a new digital camera. There is a post on my Coffetime Chatters digest that said you were holding a contest. Where might I find more info on that, so that I might enter? Thanks. Have a great weekend.
Robin - check yesterday's blog for contest details.
These photographs are absolutely stunning. Words fail me when it comes to describing them.
Stumbled onto your blog and am not leaving!
Rayna - so glad you found me. Hope you didn't hurt yourself when you stumbled. I have Field Trips every Friday. Looking forward to seeing you here often.
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