Thanks so much, Terry, for letting me be your guest today.
If you're a writer then your writing could be viewed as this...

There are days when you write like this...

But then there are days when you slow to this...

Or even this...

But there are the days when it feels like this...

Or even this...

Although you might feel like this...

Or even this...

I wish all of you many days of this...

feeling like this.

After many years working in theatre as an actress, director and costume designer, Elspeth Antonelli turned her hand to writing. She has written 12 murder mystery games and 2 plays and is now finishing her first novel. You can find her mystery games here. Her blog, "It's A Mystery" is here. And if you want to find her on Twitter, she's @elspethwrites.
Terry, thanks for hosting Elspeth.
Elspeth, your picture posts always tell such wonderful stories. I've always heard a picture is worth a thousand words and you definitely make them talk.
Thoughts in Progress
Elspeth, you ROCK!
Thanks for hosting her, Terry.
Thanks again, Terry, for inviting me to post here today. It was a pleasure to create another of my 'picture posts'.
Thanks, all. It's my total pleasure to have Elspeth here today. I love her posts at her blog and am thrilled she agreed to be my guest.
I don't know if it's Blogger, but some posts aren't showing up. I'll see if I can figure out why, but don't let that stop you. They'll probably all spurt forth at once.
Thanks, Carol! I had already left my thanks to Terry, but blogger ate it. So here it is again - thanks Terry, for hosting me today. It was fun to create a picture post for you.
Okay, so now Blogger has decided to post both of them and I've said thank you twice.
Thanks to you too, Mason, for your very kind words.
Elspeth - I love this depiction! There are, indeed, some days when writing just floods out of one, and others when it seeps or slows to a halt. Weird, isn't it, how there just never seems to be a warning for what kind of writing is coming 'round the bend...
Margot; I KNOW! And where, pray tell, is my life jacket?
Great visuals...these days I'll feeling a bit like the dessert picture, but hopefully the falls will be flowing soon!
Love it, Elspeth! They fit so well, don't they? I can live with the rough waters, but those dry spells are killers!
I love your pict-o-blog today! And so true!
Debra; Listen closely. You'll hear the roar of the falls.
Hart; The dry spells are the worst - every time I'm sure it's never-ending.
Alan; Thanks! And I'm stealing 'pic-o-blog'.
That's a most excellent photo essay, Elspeth.
Patricia; Thanks most sincerely!
Or days when you write like this:
Yep. That's me. A big nothing on my page right now!
You're always on point, Elspeth. Thanks for the great guest blogger, Terry!
Southern City Mysteries
Good job, Elspeth! What a beautiful, interesting, and fun way to show the stages in a writer’s life. I think I’ve experienced all of them at one time or another.
Thanks for you kind comments, Michele and Jane; and a special thank you to Terry. It's been fun!
I love your stories told in pictures! Thanks so much for hosting Elspeth, Terry!
Love these photo essays Elspeth! Love the guy peeking out of the barrel - but I love the feeling of the flying fish -- wish it came more often :)
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