NOWHERE TO HIDE is a romantic suspense that will leave you guessing until the end. Ms. Odell’s characters breathe off the page and beg you to join them in a world of desire, lies, and yellow police tape. Once you start, you will not want to put this book down.

As for the "meat" of today's blog, it's over at Patricia Stoltey's blog. She interviews authors about how they got started. My route was a little unconventional. Hope you'll head over and read it.
Comments welcome both here and there.
And tomorrow—don't forget it's Friday, and we're taking our Field Trip to Europe.
Congrats on the nice review above....
By the way.... your office is too neat. Time to pile up some books and papers :0)
Popping over!
Lou - you didn't see what was BEHIND the camera's focus. I'm sure that half of the room would meet your "specifications"
You gonna cut that tag off the chair? ;) Can't wait to test it out in October!
Jess, the tag is off. I didn't notice it until I took the picture, but was too lazy to take another one.
You have a very tidy reading corner, Terry. And the chair looks great. A person could spend the whole day reading in a chair like that.
Patricia - give it time. Remember, there are still a kazillion boxes downstairs!
Awesome review! I'm saving Nowhere to Hide for my out of town trip next week - can't wait! :)
I'm a writer too (though I'm one who started writing stories in first grade) and an avid follower of Pat Stoltey. I just read your guest post at Pat's place, and I'm so glad to meet you. And now I want to follow you and read your books!
Jemi - hope you enjoy it. And I'm flattered that you want to savor the read.
Ann - I'm glad you found me. Welcome, and I hope to see you often.
Ack, I had a good tidy up today and it is still not as neat as your reading nook.
Off to read the interview. Great review by the way.
Europe? Ooh, I live in Europe. Don't tell me I have to keep my house tidy! ;0
Glynis - no worries. It's one of my virtual field trips, which I have here every Friday.
I do like your reading chair. Sit back in comfort, put your feet up, and read. Ooh, that sounds good.
Helen - it IS good. Works for naps too.
That does look comfy. And Helen's suggestion is my idea of a great holiday! Unfortunately my reading chair has been moved out of my office in favour of a bed for our toddler; it will become his bedroom soon.
Elsa Neal
HearWriteNow & Blood-Red Pencil
Ah, those tags. Looks a lovely chair, and a tidy bookshelf... looks round at distinctly untidy shelf... will need to get organized soon.
Elsa - we've got a visit from our toddler grandson tomorrow - we'll see if he likes being rocked in the chair.
Sheila - the neatness is only because everything is still new, and we've left a lot of unpacked boxes downstairs.
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