Our upstairs has been fully renovated. For the most part, we were 'editing' what was already here. Replacing cabinets with new cabinets, flooring with new flooring, appliances with new appliances. But now, we're looking into remodeling the basement. Down there, we'll be revising. The exterior walls will remain the same, but inside, new walls will go up, doors will be relocated, the laundry room will move to a new location.

The writing process goes through countless phases. There's the initial writing—whether you're plotting things out in advance, flying by the seat of your pants into the mist, or a combination. Eventually, you'll get to "The End."
Maybe you're the sort who likes feedback along the way, and you weigh advice and edit as you go. Maybe you keep your work close to the chest, not being willing to share until the manuscript meets your personal standards of "suitably dressed to appear in public."
You've edited, polished, rewritten, repolished. You've checked for all those pesky weak verbs, overused words. You've passed it by your critique groups, your first reader, and asked your dog what he thinks.
Regardless of how you get there, eventually, you send the work out for the approval of that all-important professional. You may be querying to acquire an agent, or you may already have one. You may be submitting directly to an editor if they take unagented submissions. Now what?
If the stars are aligned properly, you might get a response that says, "I like this … but."
No matter how technically perfect your manuscript is, no matter how strong your voice, there's still no guarantee you'll get that contract offer.
Edits are easy—or at least they're obvious. A word is misspelled, your point of view might be shaky in spots, or your transitions are weak. Maybe your character started the day in slacks but ended up in a skirt. Or ate dinner twice. Fixing those sorts of problems is straightforward, and rarely requires more than some mechanics.
But what about when you get a request for revisions? Now you're in uncharted territory. You don't get those little squiggly lines on your manuscript, or comments, or suggestions in Track Changes. You get an email saying something like, "I'm having trouble keeping track of your main characters—they need to be more distinct." Or "The tone is too serious," or "The characters need to be kookier." And these comments are prefaced with, "What you have is good, but I don't think it's what the editor is looking for…"
Will my revisions meet the agent's expectations? I'll be fretting about that one for a while.
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Tomorrow, my guest is Joyce Yarrow, who's going to tell us about her trip to Russia where she researched her novel. See you here.
I'm sure your changes will meet the agent's expectations with no trouble! :) You're a pro at this. Thanks for a helpful post.
Good analysis. I always shy away from using the word 'edit' because it always feels as though I'm doing more than that. If it was as simple as taking out words and altering punctuation I'd be... published!
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
It all comes down to how much revising needs to be done. Beefing up a scene or a dialog doesn't have to be hard. Revising a whole chapter -- that could be tough.
Elizabeth - thanks. I sure hope so!
CharmedLassie - when you rip out two chapters, you can't really call it 'edting', can you?
r,w,r - Agreed. In this case, it's definitely rewriting, not beefing.
I am so glad you made the clarification between revising and editing. Sometimes the lines between the two may blur somewhat, but revising is definitely making more changes that edits.
Maryann - so true. Compared to revisions, edits are a piece of cake.
Great post! I love the construction comparison! I think we tend to use editing as a blanket term for any change to a "finished" manuscript!
Have a great day!
Great post, Terry. Revisions are the pits.
Great post, Terry, and a cool way of looking at changes to our manuscripts. I love revising...not so much the editing, though.
Thanks for this, Terry. My latest 'return' requires a major re-write, and reading your post has encouraged me to stop messing around and get down to it!
Thanks for the push I needed.
Terry, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. As both an editor and a writer, I agree.
Lynne - given all the work we've been having done on the house, it was an obvious analogy for me.
Caroline - I think they're scary, because you're working 'cold'
Keena - I don't mind doing edits. Broad revisions make me nervous--will it be good enough?
Sherry - go for it!
Penny - thanks for stopping by
Hi Terry,
Thanks you so much, that was a very informative blog. I always thought of edits as revision and revision as edits. Now I know better.
Revisions can be tough but they are usually worth it. Having trust in the person who requested them is so important. And they are way more quiet than revisions to a house;-)
Margaret - I wouldn't worry about what you call them as much as dealing with them!
Wynter - definitely quieter, except for moments of stomping around on hardwood floors.
A good topic, Terry. So far, with five novels through the edit to publish stage I've not had any messages to revise. My crit groups, on the other hand, are never so shy. Even when they don't want a revision, their responses (or lack of responses) tell me that some digging in the foundations is needed.
Chris H.
Kester - my novels haven't required real revisions; they were all accepted "as is" with only edits. However, this project is only a proposal, and it's going somewhere entirely new, so I have to rely on the agent's knowledge of what the editor she's pitching it to will want.
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