His fancy camera gear lets him get much more up close and personal. Now, if anyone can identify the flowers ... :-)
And please--if anyone has any photos to share for a Friday Field Trip, let me know. I need more variety here! Thanks.

Have a great weekend, and if you're celebrating Father's Day, hope it's a good one. Sunday, I'll be over at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen sharing some recipes and story connections. Make a note to drop by then.
Can't identify one but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the beauty.
Thanks for sharing.
Giggles and Guns
Mary - the only ones I knew were the irises--although I think the yellow ones and the purple ones might be some kind of lupin variety.
The neat thing is that these crop up all over--you'll see them along the sides of the roads.
Beautiful flowers!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Mystery Lovers' Kitchen!
Gorgeous flowers, such wonderful colors. I'll be sure to look for you Sunday at MLK.
Thoughts in Progress
Thanks, ladies -- Glad you like the flowers, and hope you like the recipes. See you then.
Just the iris. They're all beautiful. Thanks.
Beautiful photos! The first yellow ones remind me of Forsythia. The close-up is hard to tell. If it's a bush, it might be. We had those in New England. The only other one I recognize, too, is the iris.
Carol - Irises were one of the first flowers I learned. We had them at our apartment and I used to try to weave the leaves into placemats.
TerryS - no, it's not forsythia, I'm pretty sure. Flowers are a lot harder to look up than birds, and I'm not very good at that, either. You have to have a pretty good idea of what you're looking for before you can look.
I love flowers, but can never identify anything but the basics - they sure are pretty though!
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