Sunday, August 24, 2008

Still Married After All These Years

To my husband:
Has it really been 39 years? How young we were! You survived dancing at our wedding,

and went on to dance at the weddings of all three of our children.

And even the Comics are celebrating with us today.

All my love...


Morgan Mandel said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!
I'm coming up to my 36th in a few months. It's a shame there aren't more of us out there any more. Sometimes it seems people give up too easy.

Morgan Mandel

Terry Odell said...

Thanks, Morgan. I agree, we're a rapidly diminishing breed. My parents are still married to each other, too.

Savanna Kougar said...

Hi Terry, your pics are exquisite, and I'm so happy for you. Happy Anniversary!

Terry Odell said...

Thanks, Savanna!

Ray said...

Congratulations on 36 years of marriage. You must have been very young when you married. You still look very young.

This year in February my wife and I had our 42 anniversary. So there are still a few of us left.


Terry Odell said...

Hey, Ray, thanks for dropping by. It was Morgan who's got #36 coming up. We're up to 39. And congrats on making it to 42.

Terri Osburn said...

Happy Anniversary, Terry. My parents will hit 41 in October and I have an aunt and uncle who have been married over 35. Since I only made it to 5, I say big kudos to all of you who make it all the way!

Anonymous said...

Yes, WE survived!
And how was that 'sparkling wine'?


Terry Odell said...

Terrio, one of our kids is on marriage #2. The other two are still on their firsts. One's passed the 10 year mark.

Terry Odell said...

Hey, dko -- thanks for stopping by. And yes, the wine was fine -- but you already know that. The chocolate was yummy, too.