What I'm reading: New York to Dallas, by JD Robb
Writing, especially if you're going the indie route, requires a lot of non-writing stuff.

If you recall an earlier post, when rights revert, the covers aren't included, so I had to get new covers for FINDING SARAH and HIDDEN FIRE. Thanks to Jessica's efforts, and my sister-in-law's photography, there's a new cover for FINDING FIRE that fits right in with the other two books.
Then it's a matter of formatting. Each sales venue requires slight modifications, so you have to make sure you're linking the Barnes & Noble books to your Barnes & Noble page, not your Amazon page. Formatting the actual text for Amazon, B&N and Smashwords is simple, but All Romance eBooks requires that you do your own conversions for the various formats. I used Calibre, which isn't too complicated, but it's still time consuming to create 4 or 5 formats for 3 different books.
And there's the upload process. Each site has different fields to fill out, and some are more user-friendly than others. One site was fighting me all the way, refusing to recognize that I REALLY had filled out some required fields, so that one is being set aside for a day or two until my blood pressure returns to normal.
Add to that the updating of my website pages with the new covers and links, as well as my blog pages, and it's a labor-intensive project, especially if you're only a semi-techie and the program seems to insist that things be done a new way no matter how many times you've done it another way.
However, at long last, you can find FINDING SARAH, HIDDEN FIRE, and FINDING FIRE at Smashwords, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. All Romance eBooks is
And to celebrate, I'm offering 50% off FINDING SARAH and HIDDEN FIRE at Smashwords. Barnes & Noble and Amazon don't have discount programs, but Smashwords offers formats for the Nook (epub) and Kindle (mobi or html, and maybe pdf. I don't have a Kindle, so I'm not sure what they accept.)
Check the Deals and Steals tab for the coupon codes. FINDING FIRE at 99 cents is below the pricing minimum for a discount, so you can get that one direct from the Amazon store or Barnes & Noble. (Or, you can get them all from the Amazon store or Barnes & Noble—you'll just pay a tiny bit more. Regular price is a mere $2.99)
I'll be sure to let everyone know when the books are available at the other sites. And I hope you'll all take a few minutes to check them out.
Tomorrow my guest is Karen Cote, who's going to talk about a charity near and dear to her. And Wednesday, Avery Aames is my first guest sharing a recipe on What's Cooking Wednesday. See you then. I hope that by Thursday, my books will be available at all the sites. I hope to see a few more followers by then, too.
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Terry, I loved New York to Dallas, read it in one night. Is there anything special I have to do to download Finding Fire. Can't wait to read the series. Marian
Marian - I love Eve & Roarke. To download any of my books, you just need to decide where you're going to buy them and what reader (or phone, computer, etc.) you're going to put them on. If you're having trouble, email me directly.
If you go to Smashwords and use the coupons, you can download in almost any format and get all 3 volumes for about $4, which is a savings of about $3.
Thanks, Terry. I have a Nook so I'll go over and download now. Marian
I agree, Terry--whether traditionally or indie published (or both) there's so much more involved than writing. You have shown the way admirably!
I agree with Jenny, Terry. You're an inspiration to the rest of us!
Thanks for sharing the details and making it sound as if anyone (even me) can do it!
Jenny - thanks.
Anna - anyone CAN do it, although it does take effort. And patience. And an understanding Hubster helps, too.
You are right. I totally agree with you,Jenny.
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