My family make me happy. I’ve been married 22 years this March and have two fabulous sons, who despite being teenagers, still love hugs with their mum (although don’t tell them I told you that!) My boys are chalk and cheese; from artistic Thomas with his nail polish, piercings and tattoo, to John who considers wearing a shirt without a tie to be dressing down. LOL, wouldn’t life be dull if everyone was the same!

Books! Reading make me happy. Stacks of books hide the walls, adding an extra layer of insulation to the house, although now I have a Kindle perhaps the wall paper might become visible once again- given time and the clearance of a substantial TBR pile!
Writing makes me happy. During the day I work as a veterinarian and I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a vet, and yet my dream job can be an emotional rollercoaster. It can be draining, at times, when you have to release an animal from suffering, and as an antidote I turned to writing.
This makes me happy because it gives vent to my creative side, and within minutes of settling at the keyboard my imagination takes wing and I’m off; galloping across Regency England or dancing at a ball with silk skirts tangling round my legs.
To find out more about Grace, visit:
A DEAD MAN'S DEBT available from most eBook stores, Amazon Kindle and Solstice Publishing.
Grace is offering one eBook copy of A DEAD MAN'S DEBT – winner to be drawn from those who leave a comment. You'll have to check back to see if you've won. Winners announced on Friday. Good luck!
Hi Terry and Grace .. sounds an ideal life - doing something you love, where you love, with whom you love .. and releasing the strain with Regency novels - an ideal palate I reckon .. good to meet you from another Englander a 100 miles or so to the East - cheers Hilary
Hi Hilary, thanks for stopping by. Good luck with the prize draw.
Grace x
I can't wait to read this book! I don't have a Kindle so I don't think I can do the e-book, but I'll be FIRST in line for the hard copy! :)
I'd like to be on the Isle of Wight right now with a cat and a good book...and maybe some wine :)
Thanks Lisa x
Does sound good, doesnt it Jenyfer? Sigh x
Enjoyed the post very much. I'm a cat lover, too, and wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger. I did work as a vet tech many moons ago and loved it. And you are right about those heart-wrenching moments when you have to put an animal down. I remember every one I did.
I've never been to the Isle of Wight, but all the rest of these things make me happy, too, especially since we just adopted a kitten. I now think all writers should have at least one cat.
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