First, the 'official' unveiling of the cover for my next Five Star release, WHERE DANGER HIDES. The release date isn't until May, but since I turned in my last round of edits several months ago, it's nice to get a reminder that the book working its way through the system.

The publishing industry moves very slowly, so every step needs to be celebrated (So slowly that I had to go back to the manuscript to confirm what my characters looked like. Turns out the eye colors on the initial cover weren't what I'd described, and I'm fortunate the publisher was willing to make the swap. I also asked for confirmation that the flowers on the cover actually grew where the book was set, just to make sure.
WHERE DANGER HIDES picks up one of the secondary characters from WHEN DANGER CALLS. Those of you who have read the first book will recognize Dalton, Ryan's former partner. But I'm sure there are a lot more of you who haven't read the first book (and why not?).

When I wrote WHERE DANGER HIDES, I had no guarantee it would sell, so I wrote it to stand alone. If you've read the first, you'll know Ryan and (I hope) feel like an insider when he appears in the sequel. But if you haven't, I'm hoping I've walked that tightrope between back story dumping and having the reader wonder what I'm talking about.
What do you think? This is one of the scenes that reintroduces Ryan. As a bit of a setup, Dalton is in his car outside Miri (the heroine's) apartment after a tension-filled evening.
[Dalton's] cell rang as he pulled it from his belt.
“Hey, Dalt.”
Ryan Harper. His ex-partner’s voice jump-started Dalton’s adrenaline.
Dalton rubbed the back of his hand across his eyes. “Hey, pard. Thought you were enjoying some R&R. What pulls you away from that woman of yours?”
“Frankie? She’s . . . uh, taking a spa break. Figured I’d check in while she’s getting her toenails painted.”
“Bullshit. You don’t check in from Hawaii when you’re on R&R with a gorgeous woman. Who called you? Who do I kill?” Dalton waited out a long silence. A shadow floated across Miri’s window as she moved through the room.
Dalton growled into the phone. “Come on, Harper. Was it Fozzie?” Blackie would never say anything. But sometimes Fozzie couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“Cool it. I got a standby alert, might have to cut my R&R short. I called Fozz, okay? To see if he had any more scuttlebutt about why they’d call me since the boss had been damn insistent I take this time off after the Montana op. Fozz said they were short a man, that you’re working a domestic investigation.”
“What of it?” Dalton reflexively rubbed his arm where he’d been creased by a bullet on that op.
Are you confused? Do you have enough information to know 'something' happened in Montana, but that it's not important to know exactly what at this point? Do you assume Frankie is Ryan's girlfriend? And better yet, are you the least bit enticed to pick up the first book?
May I remind you that hard cover books make great gifts, and I've got WHEN DANGER CALLS priced at under $7 for a holiday special at the Amazon store, (interesting note: you'll have to scroll down, because when I lowered the price, 3 other sellers immediately undercut my price by a few cents.)It's $2.99 at the digital outlets.
I love the new cover art, Terry! It's really striking. Hopefully, it will catch the eye of reviewers. It really should.
Wonderful cover, ful of mystery. And the excerpt has me wanting to know more. As for Ryan, there's enough there to hike up the tensio, because it does two things, the reader wants to know what happened before so will go looking for the book, and there's enough to entice the reader to but the current one too.
It's a lovely cover. Lots of luck with it.
Jacqueline - thanks.
Sherry - thanks for your comments about the excerpt. Let's hope it'll generate a few sales.
Anabeele - thanks.
Great cover and blurb, Terry.
Best wishes
Megan Johns
Very nice cover.
(Anabelle - sorry about the typo in your name)
Megan & Mario - thanks. Glad you took a look.
Super cover, Terry. Congratulations! I was lucky enough to get a preview of what's between the pages, and this is a hold-onto-your-hat kind of book. As soon as it's available, order it!!!
Dorothy - thanks so much for all your kind words about the new book! Glad you enjoyed it.
Very nice cover art, Terry. Congratulations!
Patricia - thanks (although it's the art department who deserves the kudos for the cover--I just wrote the book!)
What a great cover - congrats. I remember parts of this book. I'm sure it will be a page-turner.
Wynter - I'd hope so; it was you who told me who was on the phone in the excerpt in the post! Thanks again!
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