
Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Field Trip - Quw'utsun

Today, I'm turning things over to my sister-in-law, Amy Daraghy for more pictures from her trip to Vancouver Island. If you missed her first pictures, they're here. This trip is to the Quw'utsun Cultural Center in Duncan, BC.

Have a great weekend. And if you're looking for something to read, there's a coupon which will make A Summer's Eve a free download at Smashwords. Use Coupon Code BL83R. In addition, I've uploaded The Other Side of the Page, where I've collected my interviews with Randy and Sarah, as well as a look at what they have to say about me.


  1. I love these totem poles! So much character in the faces. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth. You too.

  3. These are great. I'd love to take a trip to the Pacific Northwest and over to Vancouver. Maybe one day.

  4. Lelo Carter7:48 PM

    Great photos Amy

  5. Such details in these totem poles. I've often wondered how long it takes someone to crave one. Hope you're having a great weekend.

    Thoughts in Progress


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