
Friday, April 04, 2008

Do you remember the Partridge Family?

What I'm reading: Daphne #2

Last night's library presentation was great fun. The Fruitland Park library staff pulled out all the stops with a dessert buffet (yes, there was chocolate), aqua and pink table decorations, and lots of friendly faces. I presented with Sandra Madden and I think we drove home the point there's no 'right' way to write. She's a plotter; I'm a pantser. She's always wanted to write; I fell into it by accident. She's well-established; I'm a newbie. But one thing I didn't know at all -- she just 'ghosted' a memoir for her husband Dave Madden, who played Reuben Kincaid on the Partridge Family show years ago, and has had a very colorful life and career. He joined us in answering questions, and I think a good time was had by all. At least nobody got up early and left.

Thanks to my husband for tagging along (and there were a good number of men also tagging). The library is about 53 miles away, and in a remote area. We found it fine, but I don't drive at night well at all, especially in unfamiliar territory, AND just as we were packing up, a huge thunderstorm hit. We're talking major deluge. Road flooding. Of course, nothing made it all the way to our neighborhood, which could use the rain, but that also meant we only had to drive halfway home in the rain.

Tomorrow, Karen Kendall is speaking at our RWA chapter. I'm looking forward to that.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the Reuben Kincaid book at the conference and made the connection. Glad it went well.


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