
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

After the First

What I'm reading: A Thousand Bones, by P.J. Parrish

What I'm working on: Fruitland Park Library presentation

Crutch word of the day: Now.

Yesterday was April Fool's Day. When you work alone and don't have to leave the house on a daily basis, days of the week become meaningless, much less days of the month. It usually takes me three or four days to remember to flip the calendar on the kitchen wall, so I wasn't operating with any 'hoax' radar yesterday.

I found a notice that I'd won a gift card from the Wet Noodle Posse blog, and only when there was a post there mentioning the date did I realize it could have been in jest. Turns out it wasn't, so I'm delighted.

I will admit to be totally taken in by my agent's phone call that real-life demands meant she could no longer work as an agent. I'm sure she had a great day calling all her clients so she could tell them she was really kidding. But at 8 PM, when she called, my day was 'over' and the idea of a joke didn't occur to me. She got me.

I did send her the scenes she wanted added to my manuscript. Once she gives me her feedback, it'll be time to send the complete manuscript and try to forget about it while I work on a new book.


  1. Not a Posse joke in sight -- we lubs Terry!

    It's been so long since I've even thought about April Fools, but the internet was awash in stuff this year. Plus, we had Chorale that night, and our president told us we got a grant from the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation. When he gave the joke away, I thought 140 people might pull out a gun and shoot him.

    It's a strange concept. A day for culturally accepted lying.

  2. With no kids around, and a one-woman office in my house, I don't think of things like that anymore. I do recall telling my husband that I wasn't expecting him to play any jokes before he left for work, and I guess when he left, the entire 'what day is it?' thing left with him.


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