
Monday, January 09, 2012

Cooking With Characters

What I'm reading: Too Close to Home, by Lynette Easton

Today, I'm over at "Chicklets in the Kitchen" talking about characters and cooking. I hope you'll pop over and leave a comment, even if it's just to say hello. (There's a recipe!) And why not send some of your friends over. (In case this post goes up before hers does, PLEASE make a note to go back later.)

Normally, I try to blog even on days when I'm a guest elsewhere, but sometimes, you just need a day off to deal with all the other aspects of writing, which right now include workshop proposals and "lessons" for my February workshop on Point of View at Savvy Authors.

And take a peek at this new site for mystery books for the Kindle. Don't you just LOVE the banner? Kudos to daughter Jessica for putting it together at very short notice. One quick question. When you visit a blog or website, do you click on images? Just curious to see whether people are aware that the banner is a clickable link.

Tomorrow, I'll have the writing duo of Alicia and Roy Street talking about how a marriage can survive being writing partners. And while they're here, I'm going to be a guest at Sarah Butland's blog, so plan to leave yourself a little extra time for your blog hopping!

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  1. Love the new site for mystery books on Kindle - popped over and took a quick spin; thanks for the tip. Also heading over (I know - a bit late!) to Chicklets in the Kitchen. To answer your question - sometimes I click on the images and sometimes I don't, usually depending on the amount of time I have available for exploring.

  2. Karen - thanks for stopping by (and it's never too late). I just wondered because the banner links to the book's buy page at Amazon, but I wasn't sure if anyone would try it.

  3. I did click on the banner tonight and saw the link to Amazon - I already had the book (yay me)!

  4. Really like the banner your daughter made. Isn't it great having talented kids who are willing to help Mom out?

    I do hover on images and if they have a hotlink will click over.

  5. Maryann - thanks. It's good to know the banner isn't just another "pretty face", at least for some.


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