
Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday Field Trip - Fall Colors

On Monday, Hubster and I drove the Victor/Cripple Creek route to take some pictures of the turning aspens. And so did a LOT of other people. Everyone was pulling off to the side of the road. Some had camera phones, other full blown gear with tripods. One man told us this is the best color he's seen up here in 10 years.

One thing I've learned. Aspens grow in clones. The different clones will have different schedules for leafing out and turning gold. Some are gold, some yellow, some red-orange. Looking out over the mountains, the different stripes of color were breathtaking. And, for the record, our deck aspens are a very "late" clone--most of them are still quite green, and just starting to turn yellow. The ones on the other side of the house are already gold.

OK, enough talk. Enjoy fall in the Colorado mountains. Clicking on an image should enlarge it.

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  1. Wow, the pictures are stunning. So, how long do you just stop and absorb the beauty? In years past, there were times I would pull to the side of the road to admire a view in the fall. If I didn't pull over, I'd run off the road. LOL

  2. Lelo Carter11:10 AM

    Loved your photos
    wish I could be there to
    take photos too.

  3. Beautiful. Ours, here in here NE PA, are just starting to turn. I can't wait until they're in full array.


  4. These are great pictures! We were in northern Arkansas last week and only the sumac had started to change - I was a bit disappointed, but still more than what I normally see in Texas.

  5. Thanks, all -- we had a nice storm/front blow through and things look VERY different now. But that's the beauty of having seasons up here.


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