
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Field Trip - Colorado Vistas

First: tomorrow is the last day to use the 50% off coupon at Smashwords for Finding Sarah & Hidden Fire. Click the Deals and Steals tab for links and codes. Also. as of the time of scheduling this post, I need only 5 more Google followers before there's a giveaway.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that we'd gone up to the American Eagle Overlook, and there was lots of old mining crap equipment. There were also some vistas, which I promised to share with you. We also hiked another nearby trail, which also had lots of old mining crap equipment and more vistas. And a critter. Today it's just vistas (and the critter).

First - there's an active gold mine below the overlook. (And when you drive up there, the guard makes it very clear that you are not welcome anyplace other than the road to the overlook.) Personally, I prefer the views away from the mining operation, although the guys liked watching the big trucks. 

And the critter.

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  1. Beautiful! Wish we had views like that. Well, not the snake. We have enough of those:(
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. But don't forget that the guard had the only porta-potty around.;)

  3. Beautiful, Terry! Thanks for the tour!

  4. Gorgeous! Minus the critter! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks -- and snakes are few and far between. We're very high up, and it gets too cold for them. Although we were first told there were NO snakes up here. So far, we've seen 2, and they're of the harmless variety.

  6. Wow, these are absolutely gorgeous pictures - thank you for sharing them.

    And, sorry, but I'm one of those who thinks that the only good snake is a dead snake!

  7. Karen, happy to share. As for snakes -- they play an important role in keeping down populations of things like rats and mice. Most don't want anything to do with people. I'd rather have a few snakes in the bushes than a lot of mice in my house.


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