
Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Field Trip - Memorial Forest

Here are some more shots from the Memorial Forest. I tended to take vistas; Hubster got up close and personal. (And, of course he has to include the obligatory mushroom)

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  1. Very nice but it looks like a long drive from the liquor store.

  2. Lovely, Terry. You're so blessed to live out there. I'm turning green while typing this....

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love that purple flower (don't know what it is...)

  4. Purple flower is a thistle. Purple/blue and white flower below it is a columbine.

  5. Mario, actually it's only about 15 minutes away.

  6. Sue-Ellen - come visit!

    Elizabeth - see Hubster's comment.

  7. John Sharpe8:58 AM

    This time of year in Teller County is THE BEST. I have spent many happy hours riding horseback or in an open Jeep traveling through the aspen groves and rolling grassy hills.

    As you know, Terry, I'm a native of that area and feel like a proud parent when someone brags on it.

  8. John - we're infants in the area, and are enjoying every minute. Exploring new regions is such fun. The aspens are beginning to turn around here, although not on our property yet.

  9. Love the pictures as usual. And there is nothing wrong with taking a picture of a mushroom. LOL

  10. Hubster has more mushroom pictures than (insert metaphor here). It's his passion--one of them, anyway.

  11. I loved the pictures. And everything is green. Everything is pretty much brown (or black) in Texas.


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