
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Non-Writing Aspects of Writing

Today, I'm over at author Kelly McClymer's blog, where I'm talking about some of the "non-writing" parts of being a writer, including the dreaded cover blurbs. I've got an offer for a free copy of one of my books, so please drop by to see how to get one. It's not a contest, just an offer.

And, in other news: 

I just found out last night that The Red Room has chosen DANGER IN DEER RIDGE as their book of the day today.

Have you checked the Deals & Steals tab this month? There's a limited time (2 weeks) offer on discounted books at All Romance eBooks.

And don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's post for a chance to win a free book.


  1. Congrats on having the book of the day - that's awesome!

  2. Thanks, Jemi. Surprises like this one are always welcome.

  3. Congrats - always nice to get good news!!

  4. Congratulations! I love Red Room.

  5. Congrats! What a great surprise:)


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