Friday, August 05, 2011

Friday Field Trip - WODOC

I'm in Denver at RomCon, but while I'm gone, here are some more pictures I took on my recent trip to Los Angeles.

Not far up the street from my parents' house is a place that might look familiar to anyone who watches television or goes to the movies. Franklin Canyon Park, which is frequently invaded by Hollywood film crews is part of the National Park system. WODOC, which is the William O. Douglas Outdoor Classroom is part of the area. We went up and walked around a bit while I was in LA. Here are some pictures.

I don't have any fancy equipment like Jason, so my bird shots don't come close to what he does, but here's a coot and one of her chicks.

And some more of the scenery.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Hope you're having fun at the con! Thanks for the Friday field trip. :)

Lelo Carter said...

Wow Terry You made WODOC look real good.

Jack said...

Great photo. Looks like it could be 1000 mies away from here.


Maryannwrites said...

Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them. I always enjoy the pictures from you and the rest of your talented family.

Karen C said...

Great pictures - thanks for sharing. Hope you are enjoying RomCon.