
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Free Ebook

Now through Labor Day 2011: Offer has expired. Sorry.

I'm offering a free download to anyone who wants either WHAT'S IN A NAME? or DANGER IN DEER RIDGE. The hope, of course, is that you'll take a few minutes after reading and post a short review. However, I can't require it, nor would I want to. I'm happy enough that you'd want to read one of my books.

Here's how it works.

1. Decide which book you want. The best way is to go to my website and read the book blurbs, excerpts, and/or first chapter. WHAT'S IN A NAME? is here. DANGER IN DEER RIDGE is here. If one seems to be something you'd enjoy, then:

2. Email me at bookstore (at) terryodell (dot) com with "Free Book" in the subject line. Tell me which book you want, and how you'd like it delivered. Your choices:

3. A gift for your Kindle OR a coupon code to use at Smashwords.

For the Amazon gift, include the email address you use with your Kindle account (not a address) so it will go to the right place. Would you like your copy "Kindlegraphed?" Click here

4. You can leave your review at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, or the Smashwords site, depending on where you downloaded the book.

5. If you enjoy the book, but you're not into reviewing, word of mouth is still the best advertising, so tell your friends.

6. Let me know how you found this post.

Like this post? Please share by clicking one of the links below.


  1. Thank you Terry! This is so cool of you! I just shared it on fb and just sent the e-mail with my choice. Thank you so much!

    T.t. Miller

  2. Thanks, Teresa. Hope you enjoy your gift book, and thanks for spreading the word. The offer is good through Labor Day.

  3. Tell you what, Terry. Would you like to swap? I'll read and review one of yours and you'll review one of mine? (And of course "review" just means a few short comments, not a full-blown book review.)

  4. Bob - send me an email to the bookstore address in this post.

  5. Thanks Terry! Look forward to reading your book!

  6. Laura - hope you'll enjoy it!


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