
Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Field Trip - My LA Vacation

I was in Los Angeles visiting my parents a few weeks ago. I've got a few photos to share.

First, we went down to the beach so I could dip my toes in the Pacific, a place where I spent many, many hours growing up. It's still cold.

Another trip was to the Getty Museum. Gorgeous grounds.

And, we had lunch at a mall in Santa Monica. So long for this week. I'll have more next Friday.


  1. Haven't yet made it to the West coast, but its on my list. Great photos, the Smurf....hahahaha.


  2. Courtney - big on movie promo out there! I took that one for my grandson.

  3. Wonderful photos, Terry. There is a lot of photographic talent in your family, starting with you.

    I love the Smurf. I will probably go see that movie.

  4. I was at the Getty a couple of years ago with my son who lives in L.A. What a spectacular place.

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Great pictures - thanks!

  7. You are right. LA is a nice place. I gone there many times.

  8. Great pics. Is that Smurf really as big as it looks?

  9. Maryann - thanks. I did take some photography classes back in the day and our kids often accompanied us on field trips, so they picked up a bit as well.

    Maryn - the Getty definitely is. I left LA before it was finished, but have been there a few times.

    Jemi, Karen, Condos - thanks. My pleasure

    Wynter - yep. Movie promo is a big industry there. I took one picture from the ground level and another from the second floor.


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