
Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Field Trip - Badlands of South Dakota

Jason's back with more pictures, as promised.

The Badlands of South Dakota are tucked away in the middle of nowhere, but offer photographers incredibly unique scenery. I recently returned from leading a four-day photo safari to Badlands National Park. Here are some of the images from that trip. You can see more images online at my image galleries:


  1. Wow - gorgeous pix. I drove through the Badlands a few years ago on a trip home from Wisconsin. They were fascinating - but I don't remember them being quite *this* beautiful.

  2. Jason has a way with making everything look really good!

  3. The technical term is "waking up way too early." Thanks, K.M.!

  4. This will sound corny, but I literally gasped when I scrolled down to the first picture! So beautiful - all of the pictures are. Jason, you certainly have a way with a camera. Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I liked the pictures and the story behind them.


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