One reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, bought 20 copies of What's in a Name? She kept one for herself, but asked that I donate the rest.
If you'd like a copy of this e-book, simply email me, with What's in a Name Giveaway in the subject line, and tell me what format you'd like. If you have a Kindle, I will gift you a copy. If you prefer to shop via Smashwords, I'll give you a free coupon. If you want an e-pub format, I can send one your way.
First nineteen responders will get the book.
Repetition helps readers remember. Things presented in threes just seem to stick with us: Faith, Hope. and Charity. Winken, Blinken, and Nod. Blood, Sweat and Tears. Stop, Look and Listen. Stop, Drop and Roll. How many more can you name? Dozens, at least, I'm sure.
When writing, things that come in threes seem to flow better. We'll often list three things a character does or says. Somehow, it doesn't feel as "right" with more or less. Of course, you don't want to use this tool constantly, or it will get repetitive and lose its effect. The three act structure is the basis for plays and writing books.
Here are some examples of using the rule of three:
He took off his boots, sank onto the couch and stretched his legs out in front of him.
He flopped down beside him, drew him close, and was out.
Jungle noises filled Dalton’s ears. Monkeys chattered, birds sang, insects buzzed.
At the top of the stairs, a pair of double doors stood open. Classical music drifted down. Two men in black trousers, white shirts, and red jackets greeted guests.
Following the flashlight’s narrow beam, she rushed toward the voice, stopping two paces into the room.
Repetition shows you meant it. If you repeat a word twice in a paragraph or a short passage, there's a 'clunk' or 'echo' effect. However, using the word three times is effectively telling the reader you meant to repeat the word.
As a matter of fact, the US Marines found that grouping things in threes helped people remember training, which in turn, helped keep them alive. They experimented with a rule of four and retention and effectiveness plummeted.
Tomorrow, my guest is Kris Bock, who's going to talk about the love of writing. She's also giving away 2 books, so come back and leave a comment.
is that why you had 3 kids? ;)
Not going there, your royal twinness.
How sweet! That's awesome. Pass mine to commenter #20 since I've already read the book (and highly recommend it)!
I find that to be so true, especially when describing someone . . . he is always tall, dark, and handsome, isn't he? I read somewhere that odd numbers appear more "complete" to our brain, but I don't know that that's always true. I sure do notice it in writing, though.
I'd love one of the free ebooks -- the story sounds great!
How about the Three Billy Goats Gruff. :)
Susannah - I agree. My former photography instructor always said if you had two things, your brain would be trying to weigh them against each other, but three was more balanced.
Maggie - would love to send you a book, but you have to go through my email, not the comments. It's explained in the opening of the post.
Beth - definitely would seem strange to have the Two (or Four) Billy Goats Gruff, wouldn't it.
Lots of 3s in literature---it really does seem to provide a resonance with the writing. Fairy tales are full of them...most noticeable in children's lit, but it's in all kinds of fiction.
Elizabeth - yes, and in humor, too. Lots of jokes follow a three part format (how many variations on the XX, YY, and ZZ walk into a bar are there? But it's always 3 of them.)
I'd love a copy of What's in a Name, if you have any left. Thanks so much for offering these books to your fellow writers.
Interesting about the 'three' concept. I wonder if it resonates with us on an unconscious Jungian level---something to do with myth, the Trinity, the cosmic concept of sun, moon, and sky . . .
Just in case you have a book left. I'll email you.
I'd love to read it.
Many thanks to you and your donor.
Oops, never mind, I now see the bright red NOTE above!
Sue - they're still for sale, and I'm donating 10% for the rest of this week.
Julie - I agree, it must be something deep seated in our subconscious.
Kudos to you for donating a portion of your book sales for charity. I know the three idea just sets up a rhythm in the writing. Three must be ingrained in us. Even when composing a photo, the picture is divided into three sections to be more pleasing to the eye.
JQ - I figure if my daughter can deal with training for an ironman, I can do a little to help her make the pain worthwhile. And, yes I do remember those rules of composing photographs from my photography days.
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