
Friday, April 08, 2011

Friday Field Trip - In Search of a Cover

A mixed blessing of publishing your own book is that you are in charge of the cover art. If you're talented and have a good vision of what you want, that's a plus. If you're more of a "well, I'll know it when I see it" kind of person, it's a tough call.

I'm working with a graphic artist for a potential cover in anticipation of getting the rights back to one of my books, and then publishing it myself. Since it's set in Oregon, I asked my sister in law if she had any images that she'd like to share. You've probably seen some of her work before.

She sent me some pictures, and I sent some I thought would work to the graphics artist. Things we had to consider: vertical vs. horizontal, and high enough resolution, since when she took the pictures, she wasn't really thinking of book covers.

This week, I'll share her pictures. On future posts, I'll share the various steps we've been going through to come up with a cover for the book.


  1. I really do feel like I've been on a field trip! Thanks for the escape. :)

  2. I love the PNW - must be why I set that series there. Thanks for stopping by

  3. Beautiful. I loved all these. I can almost smell the forest.

  4. Lelo Carter10:49 AM

    I think #2 and #5 would work best

  5. Love the picture with the mist (#6)! Gorgeous pictures.

  6. I don't which picture is the most beautiful! They are all stunning.

  7. Thanks, all. My sister-in-law is having trouble posting, but she says to tell you all thanks for your comments.

  8. Makes me want to visit Oregon :)

  9. I'm running late for the field trip, but the scenery is still beautiful. I especially love the fog and the mountain.

    Thoughts in Progress

  10. Hi Terry. I doubt if you recognized it, but I took the picture for the cover of "Aftermath Horizon" last summer standing on the side of Mt. Rainier. It was breathtaking.

  11. James - since I didn't take any of these pictures, the area's not all that familiar to me. My sister-in-law gets all photo credits here.

    I'll have to go look for your cover.

  12. My vote is also for #2 and #6. Beautiful shots. Can't wait to travel out that way on day...sigh...


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