
Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Field Trip - Back to the Basement

OK, here's the 'almost done' basement remodel. Once we get some furniture down there, maybe I'll schedule another trip. Meanwhile -- Send Pictures!

And a reminder - last day for the discount price of What's in a Name? is Saturday, Jan. 22.

The new stairs.

An overview of the main space

Every entryway needs a closet

Laundry - a dull necessity

TV room - once we get the tv down there

Always need more bookshelves.

Guest bedroom

Guest bath


  1. I love it! It looks amazing. Do you feel more settled now? I know that it didn't feel like home for a while after your move.

  2. Elizabeth - Hubster moved the futon and bed in, and moved the TV downstairs, so it's more than a huge laundry room at last. It's going to need a lot of "homifying" but this house is definitely home. After 22+ years in our previous house, it does take getting used to.

  3. It looks great. I love the bookshelf.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Hi Terry .. love the empty space - great opportunites .. and I love the book shelves ..

    Enjoy the design mode and filling the space .. cheers Hilary

  5. Looks good. I'll trade you two dogs for those bookshelves...or maybe not. I just got the look :)

  6. Very nice. Definitely not what I think of when I picture a basement. I'd call it the lower level or something;-)

  7. Looks great, Terry! Man, I wish we could afford to actually finish our basement. Yours must be a walk-out? It has great light,

  8. Nicole - hope you'll come up and see for yourself.

    Mason, Hilary - the bookshelves will be full long before the boxes are empty.

    Carol - can't have reluctant dogs here -- and there are the bears to think about.

    Wynter - It's a very sloped lot, so the typical basement window is only on one side (in the laundry room). I think of it as 'downstairs.'

    Hart - Technically, it used to be a walk-out, but we moved the door to the outside over to the garage. Less tracking in of all the outside gravel, etc., plus we gained some wall space. I

  9. Wow! Beautiful! Where / when can I make a reservation??? LOL

  10. It looks great, Terry! How long did it take?

  11. Elspeth - originally, I'd asked for a 'worst case scenario' end date from the contractor. He said 6 weeks, but probably more like 3-4. Yesterday was the end of week 8 (although we haven't had our final inspection yet.) In truth, more efficient than most of the other jobs we had. The upstairs shower was supposed to take a week. It took a month. Par for the course.

  12. Terry, that looks amazing! I'm glad you're finally seeing some progress.

  13. Very nice. Love the floors. Congrats on a stunning remodel.

  14. GD, Adelle - thanks.
    We've actually got furniture in the bedroom, and an entertainment center for the tv now.
    The old futon and Hubster's former office chair are providing seating, albeit not "decoratively correct."


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