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We're sticking close to home today, but moving around in time. Unlike Florida, the seasons here are noticeably different. I thought I'd compare some views of our neighborhood.
Views from our deck:
Late May

Late November/Early December

Snow blowing off the roof looks like glitter in the sunshine.

Our local fishing holes - July

And in early December:

I know how much you're enjoying the change of seasons. Stay warm!
Thanks, Carol - from what we've been told, the weather has been mild this year -- so far.
So beautiful! You'll never get tired of those views!
Jemi - I agree. One day I'm going to have to take the camera on the road to town. There are some fantastic views, and they're always changing
Beautiful photos. Love seeing how the different places look as the seasons change.
Thoughts in Progress
Mason - thanks for stopping by. We moved here at the end of April, so we haven't seen a full year yet.
I love snowy scenes. Unfortunately, we're still snowless up here on the northern Front Range. Looks like we have no chance of a white Christmas.
Patricia - we've only had 2 or 3 widely spaced snow days. Right now it's almost 50, and even the north side of our house is just about clear. They're predicting snow for Wednesday night, I think. But even Pikes Peak is only dusted with white.
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