
Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Field Trip - Sunrise, Sunset

Happy Day After Thanksgiving. This week, we're staying home with some sunrise and sunset shots from our deck. If you're out shopping, be careful. And don't spend too much. I'll be back Monday with another NOOKcolor report.


  1. Beautiful photos. Especially love the one with the full moon. The one below it looks like a forest fire with such vivid colors. Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts in Progress

  2. Thanks for the nice skyscapes, Terry.

    Today I must buy some food for my cat Spartacus because we're almost out of it. But other than that, no shopping for me. If I spend too much green on Black Friday, I'll end up in the red.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Mason - that moon shot was actually a sunrise photo. Glad you enjoyed them. We love seeing sights like those on a regular basis.

    Mary Anne - we stopped at the market on the way home to get some salad fixings, but am not leaving the house again.

  4. Great shots, Terry. I'm very fond of clouds, and you've caught some nice ones here.

  5. Patricia - it's so wonderful being able to step out onto the deck to capture these images. Mountain skies are a wealth of beauty.


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