
Friday, October 08, 2010

Friday Field Trip - Fall in Florissant

While I was on the road, Hubster did a Sunday hike in Florissant again. I thought it would be interesting to compare the pictures we took at the end of August with what he saw last week. We definitely have seasons here!

These two were taken August 22nd.

Hornbeck Homestead, summer

Click to see what the area looked like last Sunday

Hornbeck Homestead, Fall

Wildlife Trail Hike


  1. Gorgeous pictures!

    It must be really strange to see seasons again after so many years in Florida!

  2. Elizabeth, so true. Watching the changes is fascinating. Right now, the clouds are totally different from the ones we saw a few days ago--these look like they might bring snow. It was 38 outside this morning.

  3. And it was a great day for a 4 mile hike. Green chili burrito for breakfast and then worked it off on the hike. Looks flat but there was quite a bit of elevation change. And I was the only human on the trail. Unfortunately the wildlife was hiding.

  4. Thanks for sharing your photos. And since I was gone, you didn't have to share your burrito.

  5. I always love your Friday photos. These are no exception. Now I want one of those burritos!

  6. Beautiful photos. It's fun to capture the changes in the season in the photos. Always enjoy your Friday Field Trips.

    Thoughts in Progress

  7. Wow. Both sets are beautiful. The leaves are just beginning to turn here in the Chicago suburbs. We're heading up to Door County next weekend for a gettaway to take in the colors.

  8. Carol, Mason & Debra - thanks. I'm glad you enjoy these field trips -- although I need some more pictures. Hope you'll consider sending some. That goes for everyone!

  9. Gorgeous! These are really beautiful :)

  10. Terry glad you are enjoying the change of seasons. In Hawaii they have a slight change on Oahu at any rate. I never ever missed winter or snow or any of it. I loved the warm sunny weather all year round. We had the rainy weather in the winter but that wasn't too bad. Hope you enjoy the winter weather.


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