You be the judge. Do lucky charms work?
I always scoffed at magic or lucky charms. If I couldn’t see it, I didn’t believe in it. Well, that is not until I visited my Dad’s sister, a sprightly old dear in her nineties. It was the 30th anniversary of my father’s death.

It was a good luck charm, and my father apparently wore it throughout the 2nd World War. There was magic in the boomerang, the lady who had given to him was convinced of it, as was my aunt. Whether Dad believed in it or not, I have no idea. The original owner apparently survived the carnage of the 1st World War. So, did the good luck charm live up to its name the second time around?
In March 1940 Dad felt duty bound to answer his country’s call to war. When the Japanese poured into Malaya he was there as a member of the 2/29th Battalion of the Australian 8th Division, (most of whom ended up dying as Prisoners of War).
Wounded in action in Malaya, and transferred to an Australian Military Hospital in Singapore, my father was blown out of bed, but survived the Japanese bombs which took the roof off his ward. The British forces fell back across the causeway into Singapore. Day and night the fires burned. The bombers came over spreading their destruction. Shattered shops were left to the mercy of looters, bodies rotted in the streets, and packs of marauding dogs gorged themselves with little resistance, as a pall of black smoke hung over Singapore. The giant British guns that might have saved Singapore were embedded in concrete and pointing out to sea. Useless to quell the invaders who came over land through the jungle.
All aircraft and ships had departed loaded with civilians, nurses and wounded, and after this desperate flotilla sailed off, those left behind could only await their fate.
In the last terrible days before Singapore capitulated in February 1942, trapping 80,000 Australian and British troops, a small junk braved the might of the Japanese air force and navy, and set off, crammed with wounded. Only soldiers who were too incapacitated to fight yet could somehow mobilise themselves, were given the opportunity for this one last chance of escape.
With a piece of his back bone shot away, and weakened from attacks of malaria, Dad somehow made it to the wharf, with a rifle and the clothes he stood up in. As they wended their way out of the Singapore harbour, littered with the smouldering debris of dying ships, a Japanese bomber dived low over them, but the pilot obviously had more important targets on his mind than a small overcrowded boat.
They drifted around in the sea for several days until they were finally rescued by a passing allied ship and after another couple of weeks, Dad finally made it home.
So, was their magic in the boomerang? I don’t know, but my aunt’s story certainly sent shivers down my spine.
Margaret Tanner is a multi-published author of historical romance with Whiskey Creek Press and The Wild Rose Press. Her website is:
Margaret’s latest release is Frontier Wife from The Wild Rose Press.
Oh, I'd say there was luck and magic in that boomerang. If nothing else, there was plenty of hope in it I'm sure. Nice to met you Margaret.
Terry, thanks for introducing me to a 'new to me' author.
Thoughts in Progress
Mason - glad to provide introductions. Given the time difference, it'll be a while before Margaret can check in.
Wow, what a great story! Sounds as if it brought him luck. I happen to believe in luck and lucky charms. Hang onto that boomerang:)
Hi Terry,
Thank you for inviting me here and enabling me to tell you a little about my father, and his "magic boomerang".
Hi Mason and Terry,
Thank you so much for dropping by, I appreciate it.
I don't know if the boomerang is magic, Margaret, but I would always keep it close by just in case! Like you, I've always liked to see 'evidence' but I've also come to understand that sometimes there aren't rational explanations for certain happenings. Thanks for this lovely story.
Hi Leigh,
Thanks for dropping by. My brother has the boomerang now, and my son (the 1st grandchild), has Dad's medals.
What a great story, Margaret! Alastair Maclean's SOUTH BY JAVA HEAD deals with the fall of Singapore. Powerful stuff and scary time.
Margaret! Thank you for sharing this story with us! I knew Les Holmes who was resp for four high tech radars at Guadalcanal, in 1942. He told me there were three times he was supposed to have died in WWII, and he explained each to me, but he survived. I spent 24 months in Vietnam, and returned to the US three times. It was always a shock to arrive at San Francisco, from just departing Saigon. Cheers! Billy B. Bateman
I don't know whether I believe in lucky charms (probably not) but it's an amazing story and I'm so happy your dad survived! My father served in WWII for the US Army in China, India and Burma. I don't think his stories were as thrilling as this one. He will a cryptographic technician (something to do with secret codes) but at least he never had to kill anyone.
Thanks for sharing the story, Margaret.
Hi Billy, Lisbeth and Pauline,
Thank you so much for dropping by I appreciate it.
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