
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Launch Party #2

Continuing with using secondary characters--you met Tracy in Post #1. (If not, pop over and see how she's introduced). Sticking a character in a book for a single scene isn't a good idea unless the character is strictly a 'spear carrier'--someone in the background simply to add some authenticity to a scene. In Nowhere to Hide, Tracy has to appear again, and continue to move the story forward. The next excerpt comes a little later in the book, but it also picks up on points mentioned earlier. This also helps remind the reader what's happened. Sadly for authors, readers usually have to put the book down from time to time!

Tracy reappears in an ice-cream eating scene where she and Colleen discuss their views on men. But rather than make this all about Colleen's problems, in that scene, it's Tracy who's been dumped, and Colleen offers support. In doing so, we also get to see her own opinions of men and learn a little about her past. This way, I can reveal one of Colleen's 'secrets' to the reader, but not to Graham.

OK, for this part of the party, I've got some new updates on my website. Sometimes authors have to cut scenes. Pop over to my site, and click on "Cutting Room Floor" to read one.

Next drawing for prizes: 10:00 AM Mountain time.


  1. Tracy is a great secondary character. She's one of those characters you like to see as a main character with Collen and Graham having to help her.

    Thoughts in Progress

  2. Tracy was fun -- sometimes secondary characters want to run the show. She's probably going to want her own book one day.

  3. I like your analysis of 2ndary characters, Terry - they bring so much to the story! :)

  4. I read a couple book series where I enjoy a secondary character as much, if not more, than the main one, i.e. Peabody in the JD Robb In Death series. This is not a bad thing but it's something I try to keep in mind when developing new characters.

  5. Linda - yeah, you've got to be careful. If you establish too much about them (like they're married or have kids) then you're stuck with that for all future books. I've got 2 kids in my current WIP that I probably wouldn't have put there had I thought farther ahead.

  6. It's nice having a bit of input on secondary characters. It isn't always easy when you drop in a character and never put anything about them.

    As a reader, I can go through a book and that little voice in the back of my mind wonders what happened to so & so.

    So, thanks for making it more than that!

  7. Stacey E9:31 AM

    What a great cooking scene! Too bad it had to go, but it does make me want to get the book to read about the night he remembered. :)

  8. I sometimes like my secondary characters more than the main ones, so I have to keep them in a tight rein so they don't take over.

  9. Sorry I'm a few minutes late with the next winner. My random number generator has picked...Lanae!

    Lanae, please email me so I can get you your prize.

  10. I'm glad you kept this one on your site to read.


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