
Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Field Trip - Florissant National Monument

Last Sunday, we went to a new favorite breakfast place in Florissant. Afterward, we went to the nearby Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. I'd suggested the excursion, since there is an easy 1-mile loop walk through the petrified forest. And it's not Florida, so the weather was pleasant.

Although it was a National Parks Free Weekend, since it's someplace we figure we'll visit many times, we decided to buy an annual pass. And the entire National Park system offers a special Senior rate -- for $10, you get a lifetime admission to ALL National parks. Who says there's no good side to getting older?

I brought my little point-and-shoot. Hubster (who also dressed like we were going on an all-day hiking trek) brought his good camera with the fancy lenses. He took a lot of flower shots.

But today, it's mostly my little vista shots. It was tough choosing just a few for this post. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful photos, the scenery is breath-taking. Thanks for the trip.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Nice. I like the one of the mountain range centered in the background. But I LOVE the one of your hubby on his tush shooting the flowers. There's a story there ... all you have to do is write it.

  4. Lovely pictures. We need to visit more national parks.

  5. Great shots, Terry. Loved them all, but the one of the dead tree on the barren hillside was the best for me. Great composition and a story if one looked at the picture long enough.

  6. Thanks all -- I've been down in the Springs with family all morning. And Maryann, I'm pleased you appreciated the composition. Guess my photography classes many moons ago 'took'. (Usually I compose shots and tell hubster to take them with his good camera)

  7. Love the mountains in the distance. Looks like a prairie in the forefront. Maybe I'm thinking old cowboys movies here.

    Nice shots.

  8. Nice pictures Terry thanks for sharing them.

  9. Kathy - glad you enjoyed them. I'll see if I can get hubster to share his flower shots next.


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