
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Yoga As Muse

Today my guest is Amber Polo, romance author who loves travel and uses location to spark her novels, shares the magic of her recent trip to Taos, New Mexico. I'm pleased to turn over the reins to Amber while I'm off dealing with the inspection of our (potential) new home.

I’d like to thank my hostess, Terry, for graciously allowing me to share a place close to my heart on her blog. Thanks, Terry.

I just returned from my 5th Yoga as Muse Writing/Yoga Retreat workshop in Taos, New Mexico. Five days of yoga, writing, and magical Taos spirit. Plus glorious food at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House, inspiration to spark creativity, the company of fifteen stimulating writers, and hope for a chance meeting with Georgia O'Keefe's ghost.

The mid-March weather in the high desert is always unpredictable – from warm and sunny to snow - but the fires burn hot with authentic words.

Jeff Davis, writing instructor, coach, and yogi from Accord, NY, has created a gentle energy in New Mexico to recharge the imagination, reconnect to heart, and move writers from their “center to the page.” In groups, we learn how to integrate breath work, mediation, and yoga into a daily practice. In the Taos air, there is time to reflect, walk in nature, stare at mountains, shop, and be struck to write something new or work on an existing piece. Did I mention the wonderful food?

And, if you go, be sure to visit Moby Dickens, a fabulous bookstore, and The Love Apple, an amazing restaurant.

Jeff’s book, The Journey from the Center to the Page: Yoga Philosophies and Practices as Muse for Authentic Writing offers a way for writers to connect with their bodies and bring balance to their creative lives. He addresses the common issues writers face (meaningful purpose, persistence, discipline, concentration) plus the essentials of craft with a fresh twist:

Every year is different and the challenges are different, sometimes mental, sometimes physical. Jeff teases that I’ve published a book for every year I’ve attended. Maybe not quite true, but I have published two novels (Romancing Rebecca and Flying Free) and written two and a half more. Most important, I’ve integrated the two passions in my life – yoga and writing – and learned to recognize authentic writing, those words that, whatever the genre, pour the writer’s soul onto the page.

I didn’t meet Georgia O’Keefe’s ghost but I did see the bathroom windows painted by D. H. Lawrence when he visited.

Amber Polo is the author of Romancing Rebecca set in Sedona, AZ and Flying Free set in her Arizona airpark neighborhood. Her CD Relaxation One Breath at a Time uses her voice to teaches relaxation. Learn more on her website and her blog Wordshaping

And if any of you didn't read yesterday's post, I hope you'll take a moment to scroll down, read it, and then take the survey via the link there. I need your help. Please?


  1. Taos is wonderful! And, yes, so is the food!

  2. Sounds like a fantastic place that offers lots of opportunities for inspiration and renewal!

  3. I look forward to visiting. It just feels good there. Places like that are mystical. And it's true what they say about the "light."

  4. This sounds like a fabulous retreat. Yoga is so relaxing...what a great way to clear your mind of other things and get the muse going for your writing.

  5. Every year I envy you this conference, Amber. I need to have a special stash of money for Taos so that I can come hang out at a place where they feature two of my favorite things in the whole world - yoga and writing.

  6. Amber,

    I love, love Taos! I'm so jealous. Several years ago, I spent a whole week there with my hubby. It was amazing, spiritual, and just fun.


  7. Sounds like a wonderful time, Amber! :)

  8. And then there are the chilis!

  9. I like the idea of relaxation. Always good. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Arlene Eisenbise4:15 PM

    It sounds like Paradise Found to me, Amber. What a gift to yourself.

  11. Gosh I envy you the experience. But I hope you have a blast!!!

  12. Sounds great. And thanks for standing in today. Our house inspection went all right, I guess. I'll have a 'real' post about it tomorrow.

  13. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Warning, Amber: You made this place sound so fantastic, now you just might find a chipmunk shifter hiding in your suitcase on your next trip to Taos! (Im not naming names!)

    hugs Kari Thomas, Paranormal Romance Author,

  14. Taos sounds wonderful and so does the conference.

  15. Thanks Terry and all your great visitors! It was my pleasure to share my trip with you.

  16. Taos has been my special place to go every year since I was 12 when my parents had a small cabin built north of Red River in Cabresto Canyon. Taos has always refreshed us as we take in its spirit. Now my parents are selling the cabin, but we will continue to make trips to Taos yearly if possible. Beautiful place for inspiration and renewal of the muse. Enjoyed your post about your stay there. Thanks for the tip about the restaurant. :-)


  17. AMBER--oh, how I envy you! I love Taos--we once lived in Las Vegas, New Mexico and learned to love and appreciate the Northern NM atmosphere. But to have the freedom to go to such a retreat alone, well, I'll never do that, I don't suppose, but it sounds wonderful. Love the photos, too. Thanks for directing me here--Celia

  18. It sounds like a wonderful experience, Amber. Thanks for sharing.


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