
Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Field Trip: Hanging With Wolves

Jason's back, and I thank him for taking the time to send some more of his fantastic wildlife shots. When we were looking at homes in the Divide area, I did a little Googling, and discovered one of the local attractions was the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Rescue Center. So when Jason told me he'd had a chance to go behind the scenes and get up close and personal with some of their critters, I thought it was the perfect time to share them. And I'm definitely putting a visit to the center on my "to do" list.

And, for a little variety, here's a fox.

Want more? Click here for a look at lots more phenomenal shots. I'll be at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference all weekend. I'll share my notes next week.


  1. Gorgeous pictures...and the fox is so cute!

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  2. Amazing photos. I love them all, but the third and fifth one grab your attention. The fox is a fun shot. BTW, I have an award for you at my site. Have fun at the conference.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Jason is a talented photographer. Great pictures.

  4. Love all these. Very nice. Thanks for sharing with us. Enjoy the conference!

  5. Great shots! The first one is my favorite. Looks a little more innocent, like a house pet. Sure he/she's not though.

    I once saw a pic of wolfe babies. They reminded me of my beagle. Maybe Jason can get some baby shots some time. They are cute.

  6. On Jason's behalf: Thanks to all for the comments. I can't wait to go to the refuge in person.

    Back from the conference; busy packing! Official "new house as permanent residence" day is Tuesday.

  7. Those are beautiful photos (thanks to Jason for letting you post them on your blog).

    There's a wolf refuge up here in the northern part of the state too. We also have a well-known raptor center where many broken beauties are nursed back to health and set free to fly again. I love that Colorado wildlife advocates do so much.


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