
Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday Field Trip - all around Italy

Today we're going back to Italy, courtesy of some great photos from my mom. She took up photography after we kids had left the house and moved from black-and-white in a bathroom darkroom (which was made easier since we kids had vacated the premises) to color, and then to digital. Welcome, Mom!

And, of course, what trip to Italy would be complete without this one:


  1. Looks like Venice and Florence? Great pics!! I look forward to your Fridays...

    Mystery Writing is Murder

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth & Debra - and I'm sure Mom is flattered. I'll check to see exactly where they were taken. The Leaning Tower was easy, and so was the David.

  3. Beautiful photos! The color stands out. Very nice.

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Great pictures, Terry! :-)
    Jackie Griffey

  5. Love Italy. Faves were Florence and of course, Venice. Beautiful shots. I believe the first picture is Florence.

  6. I love the photos and I was wondering how old are they?

  7. Oh cool! Wish I could go. (My Mum and Dad did.)

  8. Mom tried to leave a comment, but had some trouble. This is what she said:

    Thank you for all your compliments

    1. Ponte Vecchio in Florence
    2. Monterosso,
    3. Pisa
    4.Duomo in Florence
    5.Ponte Trinita in Florence
    6, Garden in Lucca
    7 David in Florence
    The photos were taken in 2007

    Lelo Carter

  9. Absolutely beautiful!! One of these days I'm going to get to Italy :)

  10. Beautiful pictures. Great to see them. I will never get there, but I know the beauty of the place!


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