
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Day Is It?

Thanks to Marianne for her post yesterday. And for the memories. And, after all, doesn't aging beat the alternative?

What with the move, time and dates have blurred. We moved through two time zones, then hit daylight savings time, which effectively negated one of them body-wise, although I'm still adjusting to the fact that it's two hours earlier here than back in Florida.

Speaking of the time zone shift, for those on Eastern time, which seems to be a majority of my readers, I know my blog posts must seem "late." I schedule them in advance, but I still don't like to put them up too much earlier than I get up, because I don't trust them to be glitch-free and like to be able to fix anything that might not be working. I know the 'feel' of my blog crawling, which I'm finally starting to get into again, is different because I'm always coming in late to the party.

Another switch. Normally, I'm up early and if there were things to do, I'd want to get them done before the heat of the day. Here, it's the reverse. It's noon or later before things warm up. I know I'm speaking from about 1 week's worth of experience, but I think there will be a lot fewer days where it's unbearably hot and if you're not inside by ten AM, you'll melt.

But once again I digress.

Keep Reading...

It dawned on me that it's St. Patrick's Day. Now, this isn't a holiday ingrained in my ethnic heritage, but I think most of us are eager to take advantage of any reason to celebrate. Especially when food and drink are involved.

I asked my daughter, Jess, who lives in Northern Ireland, what the celebrations are like over there. She said parades, lots of beer (Guinness, not green), and concerts.

The food isn't special, she said. More likely to find Irish stew, lamb, potatoes. Maybe champ or colcannon (mashed taters with green onion or cabbage & ham,
respectively). Wheaten bread. What they don't do is corned beef & cabbage.

In our little non-kitchen, it's doubtful I'll be doing anything special for the holiday as far as cooking goes. Maybe we'll go find a place that has Guinness on tap.

Meanwhile, on the writing front. One of the agents I met with requested hard copies of my submissions. Since we didn't have a printer, she's one of the last on my "to send" list. The hubster hooked the printer up yesterday, so I ran off a copy. And read it. Despite the fact that I'd gone over this at least three or four times since the materials were requested, I still found glitches. Minor typos, awkward wording. Nothing (I hope) that would send it straight to the reject pile, but frustrating nevertheless, to know that I've sent an inferior digital versions to other agents and an editor.


  1. It's so frustrating when you find errors in something you've already sent or proofed!

    Happy St Paddy's Day! :)

  2. Jemi, I know! I've decided to print out the entire mystery and re-read it before sending that one to the editor who requested it, even though I've done it so many times already.

  3. Welcome to the West, Terry...hope you love it.

    Thanks for the Colcannon recipe. I had some Friday night at a pot luck and liked it, so I'm going to try making some.

    It's never possible to proof master's thesis was the first one ever accepted by the univ. without corrections. Three months later, I picked it up, opened it, and THERE WAS A TYPO staring me right in the eye. You can't win!

  4. Jenny - I grew up even farther west -- in Los Angeles. But we're already loving the variety. Florida was so boring.

  5. Happy St. Pat's other Terry!

    I'm going with corned beef anyway and it's the red Jewish kind, not even the brown New England kind that some Boston Irish eat. I think they adopted it from the New Englanders, though. I should know, but I don't.

    Can't get the NE stuff in Florida.

  6. We had the red corned beef (never thought of it as "Jewish" since that's the only kind we've ever had) at the pub. And fish & chips. Those were their specials for today, and they were very good, authentic or not.

  7. Fish n' chips is made all over the UK, so that's authentic. But yes, the red corned beef is good. It's New York Jewish deli style.

  8. That proofing thing is exactly why I hate reading the final published version of my books. Even with good editing, I always find things I wish I'd written differently.


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