
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Family Carvings 2009

Courtesy of Daughter #1

And, on the home front, this year's jack o'lantern, setting a carving speed record, is brought to you by the shape: Triangle.


  1. I am the Pumpkin King! I'm just happy Jack Skellington came out so well. It was touch-and-go there for a while. :) We definitely have set the bar high for Joey!

  2. I especially love the top pumpkin. I can't imagine what it took to carve the mouth. More patience than I have, that's for sure!

    My pumpkin was pretty basic this year, but my husband's was amazing. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of it because the camera batteries died. Darn it.

  3. I have a feeling we're just having a pumpkin this year, as no efforts have been expended by the resident family carver.

    There are some big carving shoes for Joey to fill, for sure.

  4. GunDiva: yes...Jack's mouth took patience. Lots of patience. It's a good thing I'm a perfectionist! I think I spent more time on the mouth than the entire Flying Spaghetti Monster!

  5. triangle man, triangle man... :)

  6. I think start to finish was about 15 minutes. Not like the good old days. But at least he got it done before dark.

  7. mine took about 2 and a half hours, and included breaking a pyrex bowl. Glass is slippery when you have pumpkin guts on your hands!


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