First, thanks to Beth Trissel for taking us on a trip through Virginia's countryside and history. And thanks to everyone who stopped by and left a comment.
Second: be sure to read the entire post. I've decided to have a Clutter Clearing Contest! Details at the end.
Our moving plans are moving. S-L-O-W-L-Y. Getting a house ready to put on the market is a stressful endeavor, and when the market is as down as it is now, it's even more so, because you have to make your home stand out—in a good way.

So, each gaze raises the tri-fold question: Donate, Take it with us, or Trash?
Two things I've discovered:
Keep Reading...
One: It's Deductible. This is something that came free with Turbo Tax – I don't know if it's free otherwise. But it tracks all those charitable donations, and gives fair market value for just about everything. We're on our second donation load—and still the closets seem too full.
Two: Freecycle. There are things that don't make the donation grade, for one reason or another. Freecyle is a vast number of local networks that puts people who have stuff they don't want in touch with people who want it. I've signed up for the group in my part of town, and have already found homes for my 9 years of National Geographics and my 7 years of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. And tonight, someone's coming by to pick up bags and boxes of miscellaneous craft items that I will never use.
(Do you think anyone would want hubby's fish squirt gun?) Meanwhile there are the serious projects, starting with curb appeal. We've already painted the outside of the house. Re-screened the patio. Have someone coming to take care of windows that don't open properly, etc. Hubby has spread 2 truckloads of pine bark mulch in the yard. Then there are the little things inside. Touch up painting, cleaning the carpets, and heaven only knows when hubby will pack up the skulls. Somehow, those probably won't show well.

We still have to get rid of enough "stuff" so we can do the inside painting. Right now, there's no way anyone can get to the walls. So, I thought I might find another place to get rid of some of my "stuff." How about a contest? Winner will get a grab bag of whatever I can fit into a priority flat rate envelope. (Has to be the US, though – sorry). What will it be? I don't know yet. I have a LOT of stuff that won't be making the move. (No worries – you won't get a skull)

How to enter?
1. Check with your library and see if they carry my book, When Danger Calls. If they do, let me know which library. If they don't, please request it. Give them the title (When Danger Calls) , author (Terry Odell), ISBN 978-1-59414-723-4, Publisher: Five Star Gale/Cengage. Let me know you've requested it.
This is the honor system, but it won't cost you anything. Most libraries will probably let you do this over the internet.
2. Answer any ONE of these questions (answers on my website.)
a. What were the draft and final word counts for Finding Sarah?
b. What word did I have to use in the short story that let to Hurricane Breeze?
c. Who reviewed When Danger Calls in Orlando Magazine?
Email your answers to
But what if I want a skull?
When I saw that entry about a mantlepiece decorated with skulls in the Get-to-know-your-sister-authors Bingo sheet, I knew there was a kindred soul out there. Maybe even an unsuspected twin, separated before birth!
I have assorted skulls around the shelving in Smut Central (my writing office). Got a howler monkey, a snake (very delicate!), a couple of deer and two dogs (both minus mandibles, more's the pity). There's a raccoon skull in a box out by the shed, being cleaned for me by a bunch of beetles.
And good luck getting your house cleared out and on the market. We did that a year ago. Now I have to get the boxes emptied out in our new place. Hey, it's only been a year...okay, maybe more like a year and a half. I figure if we have it unpacked in less than three, we're doing well. More than 20 years of accumulated stuff doesn't get dealt with quickly. You get brownie points for dealing with it as you pack. We were in a bit of a hurry, unfortunately.
I miss the skulls.
Liddy - most of our skulls are exotics that require permits, so we can't give them away. Sorry. Thanks for stopping by.
Jess, they'll always be around when you visit.
Yep, I can always count on skulls at your house! Too bad I had to get rid of mine for the move overseas. :) I won't enter the contest, simply because I don't need more stuff...I'm trying to get rid of mine! Where on earth did I learn to hoard mostly useless items?
Perhaps it's inherited? Or 'learning by example'
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