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What I'm reading: Now and Then, by Robert B. Parker
What I'm writing: The Last Scene(s)! Also a blog for November 11th at Simply Romance Reviews and answering interview questions for CataNetwork. At least those are today's writing goals.
My Gratitude List:
1. My eBookwise reader that lets me read in the dark, without my reading glasses, and lets me read with one hand.
2. The bed fairy who showed up while I was at the Y.
And the Big One:
3. That it's election day and it will BE OVER tomorrow. No more robocalls. No more annoying commercials that dish dirt on opponents instead of showing what you're going to do. Less junk mail. Not that it matters, I'm sure, but if you sent one of those fancy brochures in the mail that have at least 75% of them devoted to slinging mud, you can be sure I didn't vote for you.
I'll deal with the media's inundating the airwaves with coverage by not watching. Hubby has already come up with some more interesting and enjoyable suggestions. Whether I watch or not, the results won't change. As a matter of fact, it bugs the heck out of me that the media begin declaring winners, especially when the polls aren't closed on the other side of the country.
And let's remember that tomorrow morning, about half the country will be disappointed with the results, regardless of the outcome. Get over it and move on. And the best of luck to whoever wins and inherits the problems facing the country. It's time to look at the big picture, not party lines.
my gratitudes:
ReplyDelete1) my ability to NOT get a Boston Creme doughnut after JuJitsu last night.
2) the multitude of tv stations with NO election stuff at all.
3) free tweaks of my contact lens prescription!