
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Washington Photos

While I try to catch up, here are a few scenes from our trip to Washington State.

From the Taylor Shellfish Farm

Bellingham Bay

On the way up to Mt. Baker

Nooksack Falls

Nooksack Falls


  1. Lovely pictures, Terry. Makes me want to go back for another visit.

  2. Thanks for popping by, Trish. I really love that part of the country. Next trip's to Colorado Springs, another site I like to visit -- hmmm.... could having 2 kids and a grandbaby there influence me at all?

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Beautiful pictures, Terry! I've always wanted to go to Washington state. Thanks for the virtual trip.

  4. Thanks, Nancy. If hubby gets his pictures downloaded, I can share more. He uses a snazzy Nikon D200, so his are much better than my little point and shoot.

  5. Terry, absolutely gorgeous pictures.
    Are you going to comment on the workshop about women and men fighting?

  6. Hi, Savannah -- yep, I'll get to that workshop. First, I'm planning to recap our chapter's workshop on characters with Alicia Rasley -- keep stopping by (and tell your friends!)

  7. Great shot of Baker and Nooksack Falls! I really enjoyed getting to know you and your husband at ECWC. You were so very brave to hop into my minivan on Saturday night :) Sure hope I got all the sticky cracker crumbs off the seats!

  8. No worries about the van. Everything was fine. Had a great time all around (and so did hubby)


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