
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Crimimal Thinking Bibliography - UPDATED

I should have included these yesterday --
Criminal Thinking References:

The Myth of the Out of Character Crime
Inside the Criminal Mind
The Criminal Personality Volume I – A Profile for Change
The Criminal Personality Volume II – The Change Process
The Criminal Personality Volume III – The Drug User
Straight Talk About Criminals – Understanding and Treating Antisocial Behavior

By Stanton E. Samenow, Phd.

Shortly after posting this, I received an email from David Malinowski. I'd mentioned the cell-phone sniffing dogs mentioned by a commenter in a previous post. (And, in a 'small world moment, a friend of his who's a writer in Chicago just happened to see my blog and told him about it. )

Mr. Malinowski provided an article on dogs that can sniff out cell phones. I'll try to figure out how to upload and post it -- no promises how long it might take, so check back! (anyone who's a regular at this blog knows that technology and I have 'issues').


  1. Thanks for the bibliography. I saw that in my paper yesterday about cell phones. Great series, Terry.

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Dogs have also been trained to sniff out DVDs. They're used to locate shipments of pirated discs.

  3. Amazing what dogs can do. Thanks for sharing, Lee. I love watching the beagles at the baggage area in customs at the airport.


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