I'm being 'lazy' today. Yesterday, the a/c was defunct at the Y. It had died relatively recently, so the fitness room wasn't too bad, but I was there by 7:15 am. I had no desire to deal with the conditions if they hadn't fixed it yet, since it was over 90 yesterday, and things don't cool off -- not when it's still 90 at 9 PM. I did call to see if they'd fixed it, but the line was busy for over half an hour, so I opted to skip it. Regrets? Only that I wanted to use the time to read without guilt. And, I've been vegging to Wimbledon.
Writing for a small press, and not having another release until December, keeping my name visible is a major but necessary time suck. One of my publishers pointed out a new writing community site, and although I didn't investigate too deeply, it's free, and Susan Wiggs and Amy Tan had pages, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
I now have an author page at The Red Room. Please drop by and check it out. Let me know how I can improve it. I'm still trying to decide if I want to get a video clip up there. Right now, they default the page to whatever they're pushing. I can't say I like the idea of someone else's choices being on 'my' page, but the thought of doing -- or even finding -- a suitable video is something I don't want to deal with right now.
Thanks for the info about the Red Room! Nice page.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by, Joan. Looks like there's potential for a good site over there.