
Friday, March 14, 2008

Second Chance Rose

I realized yesterday that I'd postponed announcing the release of Second Chance Rose while I worked on website issues and all of a sudden, a week has gone by.

Rose first appeared as part of a very small anthology, but is now on her own as a "Last Rose of Summer" short story from The Wild Rose Press. She's even more of a bargain, because due to changes with the publisher's word count criteria, the story which was a "Miniature Rose" when I wrote it is now classified as a "Rosette." Same story, same word count, but you now save 50% on the purchase.

I still haven't resolved all the website issues, but Rose deserves her day in the sunshine. Tired of young, perky heroines? The Last Rose of Summer imprint lets us deal with a more mature set of characters, ones who have had a chance to live life and learn from its myriad experiences.

Rose has had her chance at her one true love. Widowed, her home destroyed by a hurricane, she relocates across the country and discovers the special garden of the bedtime stories her mother told her as a child. When she meets Richard there, friendship blooms. But can there be second chances for true love?

I hope you'll give Rose her second chance. You can read more at my website, with a peek behind the scenes here.

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