
Monday, March 31, 2008

Back from Jax

What I'm reading: Walking Money by James O. Born

What I'm working on - new scene for Unexpected Danger (and maybe a new title--that one was a rush job because my agent insists that book titles go into the subject lines of emails when we send manuscripts to her--the book is still called "Book 6" in my computer files. I hate coming up with titles.

After a weekend surrounded by writers and other professionals in the field, the energy level to get on with the writing side of my life is high. Four of us carpooled in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way up. Thanks to some good brainstorming, I've now got a better handle on the final scenes I'm adding and revising, and can see a way to work in a little of the 'what happened' reveal for the reader without spoiling the effect when hero and heroine are reunited. Thanks, Catherine!

Featured guest/keynote speaker, Suzanne Brockmann provided great insights in Q&A sessions along with the luncheon speech.

I did ask her if she heard any 'new' questions after three presentations. She thought for a moment, and said, "No." But to listen, one would think each question was new and different for her. Helpful, witty, charming through it all. A best selling author of a kazillion books who can write an 80 page outline for her next book in a matter of DAYS. And she can sing, too.

I chatted with my publisher, who assured me that there was nothing wrong with my baby reference in Hidden Fire.

My workshop went off without a hitch -- if you don't count the 'will there or won't there be a projector' issues which flip-flopped several times on Saturday afternoon. However, the final flip was 'yes', and there was even a helpful hotel tech wizard to show me how to get the program from my laptop to the screen (function F7, which I will endeavor to remember in case I ever have to do anything like that again).

For me, the best workshop was the one explaining the differences in male/female speech patterns. Not only did it help with my writing, but it explained a LOT about why my husband's the way he is. He's a guy. Period. Thanks to Tracy Montoya for a great workshop and a valuable handout.

Kudos to the Southern Lights Conference Committee for putting together a great meeting.

Of course, there's also the catch-up factor of the real-life tasks that don't get done when you're gone.

Wading through 250 emails. Unpacking. Laundry (thanks to dh for getting much of it done on his own) and grocery shopping, both Sunday chores that didn't happen. So, much as I'd like to dig right into writing, I'm going to get all these mundane tasks out of the way first. Writing shall be my reward, which is as it should be.

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