
Friday, February 01, 2008

February Features

What I'm reading: Rita Entries, 5 of 8.

What I'm writing: short story (making it shorter, actually, and doing more research), preparation for 2 workshops.

It's February, and in central Florida, that means the weather is...pretty much unpredictable. Three nights ago, the heat kicked in. Last night it was the air conditioning. Now, I'm not saying I want to go back to Colorado where it was minus 5, but something remotely resembling winter would be nice. We have some fire logs left, and I'd love to sit in front of the fireplace with some hot chocolate and a good book. But it's supposed to be pushing 80 for the next week or so. Global Warming? Hard to use that as an explanation if the term is "Global" because while I was in Colorado they had unusually cold weather lasting longer than normal.

February is a busy month in our household. Groundhog Day, while not much of a holiday, is special because it marks the anniversary of our engagement. With Valentine's Day and my birthday added to the mix, there are lots of opportunities for flowers, chocolate and romance.


  1. Happy February. Wish I was as far into my RITA entries. I'm on number 2 of 7. Loved the first - struggling with #2.

  2. I have to confess my books are short, and they read quickly, especially since we don't have to fill out score sheets but can read for general impressions.

    I'll also confess book 5 is the first one that's had me sneaking away from my chores to get in reading time (heck, it's justified, right? We HAVE to read these books). I think the less engaging the book, the faster I read it, just trying to get to 'the end'.

    It's also given me a lot more confidence in the quality of my own writing. If these books are from major NY print publishers, I almost wish I'd entered myself. Mine are no worse than most of what I've read -- better than some, I'd say.

  3. I'm still dreaming of some real winter days. Maybe I'm the only person in Florida who thinks this, but wouldn't one snow day be nice?

  4. I'm not sure I want snow, Macy, but I don't like running my a/c in January and February. We get enough summer. Wearing sweats once in a while would be nice.


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