
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Counting Down to Hurricane Breeze

What I'm reading: Speechless by Elissa Abbott

What I'm writing: New book, alternate Chapter One opener.

Hurricane Breeze's release date, February 20, is approaching. This is my first new story with Wild Rose Press in awhile, so I'm excited. This morning, almost by accident, I found an advance review from Simply Romance Reviews.
Carter and Tiffany are believable loveable characters with all their faults .... The steamy sex scenes will leave you breathless. This book is for anyone who tries and succeeds of breaking out their own self-imposed exile and finds their heart’s desire.


Grade: A

The entire review is


  1. I can't wait to read this. It's on my list of novella length stories to read this year. Very cool. Just a day until I can buy it.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Hi, Terry!

    I hope you're enjoying "Speechless." Let me know what you think of it. I'm always open to feedback from readers.


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