
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On technology and a google suprise

What I'm reading: Ring Shy by Kelsy George

What I'm writing: Chapter 4

On Monday, our dependence on technology, notable the internet was brought to the top of my awareness list. Yes, I know I spend hours at the computer both for my 'day job' and my writing, and I keep in touch with family and friends, as well as shop, research, and ... see what I mean. So, when I decided that it was time to change my internet web-hosting service, I was a bit apprehensive. It wasn't broken, but there were more features using another host.

Murphy's Law seemed to reign. There was a delay in getting the domain name switched to the new provider, so my site was down. Eventually, I got my email switched and the domain name was activated. Then, there was the elusive phone number for the 24 hour help desk, which ended up being a 12 step telephone tree. Once I reached a tech (in India is my guess), he was the one who had to look up every answer in his manual and proceed to read the answer to my questions.

Of course this was also the day that our overall internet service was up and down, which didn't make things any easier.

I have MOST of my site working. The basic framework is under my son's care, and if I understand things correctly, I must have an older version of the home page on my computer, because I've lost some images. If you're visiting the site, please be patient. It'll get fixed.

On a totally different note, I've signed up for Google Alerts, and today I discovered that What's in a Name? and Finding Sarah are listed as "hot new reads" on Now, the books don't even have their cover images up yet, but they're number 39 and 40, and there are some "big names" lower on the list. What a kick!

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