
Saturday, May 05, 2007

on Reaching Turning Points

What I'm reading: Kill a Painted Pony by Kelsy George

What I'm writing: Chapter 32

First -- Check out my May contest. I'm giving away one of my Wild Rose Press short stories (winner's choice). To enter, email me something you learned in my interview at The Romance Studio. More details on my website.

A very writing oriented day. First, our RWA chapter meeting hosted mystery writer Nancy Cohen (Bad Hair Day series) who addressed the business aspects of writing -- and we all lamented that writers are expected to be responsible for promotion, which eats up much of our precious time. The discussion carried over into lunch, after which I met with my critique partners. It was a brainstorming day, and they reassured me that they saw no problems with my hero and heroine being apart, and that my hero didn't need to be larger than life and I could have one of his partners save his life without making him appear weak. Until I started writing, things like that never bothered me--it seemed right for the story, but then doubts started to creep in.

Once we hashed out this turning point scene, everything slid neatly into place, and I'm ready to rock and roll at the keyboard.

I also got two books from The Mystery Guild, but I'm not opening the box until I get the next scenes written. I'm going to shoot for double my word minimum until I finish the book. Since I've had a pretty good idea of how the book will end, I think I can get there before I go on vacation in June.

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