
Monday, March 26, 2007

Dealing with Promotion - Again

What I'm reading: I've Got You, Babe, by Karen Kendall

What I'm writing: Finishing chapter 29 - or is it 30? 89,000 words so far.

Since What's In A Name? is on the Cerridwen Coming Soon page, even without a cover, I've updated my website to give readers a behind the scenes tour and a peek at an excerpt. One of these days, Front Page and I will coexist peacefully, but right now, I think it's Front Page 5, Terry 2. Let me know if you can find the pages via my own "Coming Soon" link on my website. A web-tech, I'm not.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    No exerpts yet. Just a "more" link at the bottom that takes me to the info on Starting Over. I'd help, but I don't have Front Page anymore!

  2. Forgot to upload another page -- try it again! Seems to be working.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Yep! Works now!


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